The Reed Creek Greenway is heavily used by Montford residents of all ages, its visitors, and the Asheville community at large. The MNA was an active contributor in building the greenway and continues to act as stewards.  We consider it a true asset to our neighborhood.

Unfortunately, kudzu and other invasive plants have become rampant along the greenway, threatening many valuable trees by shading out native species and decreasing biodiversity.  As well, the unchecked kudzu growth along the greenway threatens the health, safety, and welfare of the greenway users. Not only is it unattractive, but the dense overgrowth may conceal inappropriate activities and has become a haven for overnight “camping.” 

Hence, we are entering into year 2 of our “kudzu eradication”  effort, and we need your help!  You will soon see goats along the greenway (bring the kids!).  While we hope this will delight all, we are also hoping to reduce the growth of the kudzu, enabling us (including you!) to dig as many root crowns as we possibly can.  

This will be a multi-year effort, involving time and money. Please contribute today in order to pay for the goats.  And know that we will also be planning some summer and fall workdays to get at those crowns, the only way to permanently eradicate this fast growing invasive plant.  Hit the donate button now and stay tuned!